Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Speech On The s Own Spirituality - 885 Words

It’s always difficult to talk about one’s own spirituality. We spend our entire lives trying to understand it. It’s something that sits very close to our hearts; in discussing it we must make ourselves vulnerable. We must to prod that part of ourselves of which we are most afraid. I was raised a Christian, but I was not raised a disciple. For me, church meant â€Å"the building we go to on Sunday†, and it bore all the negativity of sitting in that hard pew and listening to that old man talk. I hated it, and I certainly wanted no part in all those rules from the Bible. I figured that Jesus would forgive me, so I should get to do anything I want. This line of thinking led me down a path that many young men follow. I made the wrong friends, and they introduced me to internet pornography. I was repelled at first, and I eventually severed those friendships, but it came back: about a year later I had a bad day, and I remembered what I had been shown. So I clicked. Pop culture seems to think that porn is fun, that it’s entertainment, that it’s all fine. It isn’t. Pornography changed the way I saw people, and that in turn changed how I interacted with them; I became very bad at meeting people, making friends, or carrying on a conversation. Worse, the relationship I damaged the most with this sin was the one I needed most: the one with God. Even after my conversion I found prayer a painful experience, filled with remorse and shame; my spiritual growth diminished. The knowledge thatShow MoreRelatedRhetorical Analysis Of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. s I Have A Dream 1448 Words   |  6 Pagesbeen spoken than thos e uttered by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s, â€Å"I have a dream,† speech. Perhaps one of the most famous and paradigm shifting speeches in all of history, Dr. King’s was spoken with candor, authenticity, fervor, and an enormous amount of tact. 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